CPS is a specialist provider of a broad range of font solutions that include: font licensing, corporate fonts, custom fonts, multi-lingual fonts, font web
embedding, legal compliance, font IP, font asset management and font auditing. CPS has a wealth of experience and knowledge (gained over 30 years
in the industry) and has provided font solutions for many of the World’s leading blue-chip organisations. We also offer a vast range of font products
from the World’s leading and cutting edge foundries through our retail businesses and web shops: fontshop (fontshop.co.uk), Fontworks (type.co.uk)
and Atomic Type (atomictype.co.uk). If you would like help or advice with any font related issue please call CPS or email us on sales@cpsnet.co.uk.

If you’re looking for a high quality scanning system, then CPS is the organisation that can help. With a massive scanner pedigree, (from Linotype
scanners and Heidelberg scanners to Fuji scanners, Scitex scanners, Creo scanners and Kodak scanners) we now supply and maintain the ingenious
Kodak iQsmart scanner range and offer repairs and service contracts for iQsmart and many Creo EverSmart scanner models. In addition, we supply
A2 Scanners, Book Scanners, Document Scanners and large format scanners, plus Macs, Monitors, Proofing and many other complimentary
products. If you would like help or advice with any scanner related issue please call CPS or email us on sales@cpsnet.co.uk.

Established in 1979 by Linotype, fontshop
is the World’s first and original type supply
service. Now part of the CPS Group,
fontshop continues a 30+ year tradition of
quality service and supply. With over 100,000
fonts to choose from, go to fontshop.co.uk
now for all your font download needs.


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