CPS has a wealth of experience and knowledge in all aspects of scanning, scanning
technology and scanning techniques. We can advise on and provide complete
scanning solutions (Macintosh workstations, monitors, colour management, printing
and proofing), or undertake scanning projects for customers who don't want to scan
For high-end scanning, CPS offers the most advanced flatbed technology available,
the cutting edge range of scanners from Kodak: the
iQsmart 1,
iQsmart 2 and
iQsmart 3, (more can be found in
iQsmart Scanners). In addition, we also sell
quality used iQsmarts and used Creo
EverSmart Scanners such as the
Jazz Plus,
Supreme and
Supreme II (go to:
Used Scanners).
Apart from the iQsmart range, CPS can source many other scanning products
Book Scanners,
Document Scanners and
A2 Scanners.
For all new and used iQsmart and EverSmart machines, we provide a comprehensive
range of
Extended Warranty,
Service Contracts and
Service & Repair options.
We also provide
Scanning Consumables such as repro wipes, transparency cleaner,
compressed air canisters, anti-static cleaner, non marking tape, anti-newton ring oil,
mounting gel, oil mounting foils and other scanning accessories.
If you have a scanning job to produce please call for a quotation and refer to
Scanning Services.